Program objectives
Visible is a new phone service in an app, offering an all-inclusive pre-paid phone plan at $40 per month. To promote this new service, Visible hosted Behind Closed Doors, a shareable and exclusive speakeasy filled with branded programming, influencers, musical performances, and artists that took visitors from the clutter of old phone service to the clarity of the new.
Visible partnered with Time Out to educate city dwellers of the hassle-free and edgy phone service in an app hitting the city, as well as to generate awareness and RSVPs for the Behind Closed Doors event, and generate brand love during and post-event.

The idea
Time Out generated brand awareness and love for Visible and increased footfall to the Behind Closed Doors event via the "#inVisibleNY" digital and video content, branded media, and a print program targeting New Yorkers.
The execution
Through custom articles, video, digital, social and print media, Time Out invited readers to RSVP to check out the journey from clutter to clarity hiding behind the worst phone repair shop you could imagine, while bringing awareness to Visible's $40 all-inclusive phone plan.
Custom feature articles
Time Out wrote the custom feature article: "This immersive pop-up experience is hidden behind an old phone repair shop in Soho" to engage with our audience and promote Visible's Behind Closed Doors immersive activation.
Over a two week flight...
Page views: 10,753
Visits: 9,681
Unique visitors: 8,366
Time spent per visit: 68 seconds
Placement: 100% SOV

Time Out wrote the custom feature article: "How to have the best day in New York City for $40" to align with Visible's $40 price point. Our editors curated the ultimate day in NYC without breaking the bank. In fact, readers won't spend more than $40 (the same as Visible's new phone plan) with a series of city hacks, awesome free activities, and our favorite cheap eats.
Over a two week flight...
Page views: 25,838
Visits: 24,693
Unique visitors: 23,387
Time spent per visit: 42 seconds
Placement: 100% SOV

Custom video
To create buzz just before Behind Closed Doors opened to the public, Time Out's video team created a "first look" of the event activation to act as a teaser and peak our audience's interest and attendance.
Print cover wraps: Time Out New York and Los Angeles issues
New York
Issue: Nightlife, Home Bars (10/31/18)
Distribution: 275,000
Los Angeles
Issue: Best Dishes and Drinks (11/28/18)
Distribution: 75,000

Supporting media
Section takeovers
Targeting: NY DMA, Contextual- Things to Do, Events, Tickets, Attractions, City Guides, Neighborhoods
Delivered Impressions: 1,073,538
CTR: .16%
Facebook promotion
Delivered impressions: 736,009
Reach: 118,878
Total clicks: 10,872
CTR: 1.47% (benchmark .30%)
Native placements
Targeting: NY DMA
Delivered impressions: 215,437
CTR: .34% (benchmark .11%)