1,100,000 |
Combined English and Chinese Avg. Monthly Unique Visitors |
2,400,000 |
Combined English and Chinese Avg. Monthly Page Views |
3.2 minutes |
Avg. Session Duration |
158,000+ |
Combined English and Chinese Facebook Followers |
138,000+ |
Instagram Followers |
Data derived from individual platforms, June 2024
30,000+ |
Active English and Chinese Subscribers |
40-46% |
Avg. Open Rate |
99.8% |
Email Deliverability Rate |
Data derived from Adobe Analytics, February 2024
At a glance
66% are female
46 aged between 25 and 40
51% are born and raised in Hong Kong
52% are single or in a relationship
40% are married
51% make HK$45,000+ monthly
In 2024, Time Out Hong Kong readers are spending their money on:
1. Eating & Drinking
2. Travel
3. Events & Experiences
4. Fashion
5. Health & Wellness
Food & Drink
98% rate Hong Kong's food scene as amazing!
76% enjoy dining out
44% visit bars several times a week or once weekly
94% plan to travel internationally this year
Preferable type of holidays:
1. Relaxing getaways and beachside retreats
2. Food adventures and bar-hopping
3. Cultural and historical immersion