917,000 |
Avg. Monthly Unique Visitors |
2,320,000 |
Avg. Monthly Page Views |
1,260,000 |
Avg. Monthly Visits |
70%/30% |
Female/Male |
47 |
Median Age |
$111,366 |
Average HHI |

338,000 |
197,000 |
176,000 |
711,000 |
Total |

58,000 |
Active Subscribers |
29.8% |
Avg. Open Rate |
5.8% |
Avg. Click Through Rate |
Time Out Chicago Readers Take Action!

94% take any action after reading Time Out Chicago |
70% go to bars/restaurants they read about in TOCHI |
56% use TOCHI for entertainment ideas |
55% go to events recommended by TOCHI |
Food & Drink
5x more likely to be dine out often |
5x more likely to advise others on restaurants |
3x more likely to drink any beer/wine/liquor |


14x more likely to be interested in all travel |
7x more likely to be interested in hotels |
5x more likely first to try the latest in travel |
10x more likely to attend museums/art galleries |
9x more likely to
7x more likely to buy
3x more likely to go to

Sources: Omniture Q4 2019; MRI April 2017; comScore November 2019, Base: A18-49, HHI $100k+; Social count as of 1.2.20
Time Out Chicago 2020 Print Schedule
Editorial Content TBD
Issue Date: 03/11/20
Ad Close: 02/17/20
Editorial Content TBD
Issue Date: 06/10/20
Ad Close: 05/04/20
Editorial Content TBD
Issue Date: 08/26/20
Ad Close: 08/10/20
Editorial Content TBD
Issue Date: 11/04/20
Ad Close: 10/05/20